Players will:

  1. Enjoy playing.
  2. Work hard to improve skills, learn the game and play by the rules.
  3. Be on time for trainings and games.
  4. Wear the required equipment at all practices and games.
  5. Follow coaches directions and instructions
  6. Always respect teammates, opponents, coaches, umpires, equipment and infrastructures.
  7. Help and support younger and less experienced teammates.
  8. Be able to loose with humility and win with modesty.
  9. Keep in mind that you are representing Hockey Club Luxembourg.


Parents will:

  1. Remember that children participate in hockey to have fun and improve human and social skills.
  2. Dedicate time and commitment for their children’s sport.
  3. Encourage not only their children but the whole team.
  4. Respect the coach and refrain from yelling instructions out onto the field.
  5. Speak to the coach in private about any concerns and never in front of the children or on the field.


Coaches will:

  1. Make of skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, team spirit, un and learning the game the main focuses of the team.
  2. Be a positive role model by staying calm, cool and collected.
  3. Teach the rules of Field Hockey, and abide by those rules in practices and games.
  4. Do not argue with an umpire's call.
  5. Be fair, honest and consistent in coaching philosophies and practices.
  6. Communicate clearly to players and parents about the commitments for the team and what behaviour is appropriate.
  7. Provide a safe environment for the children to play.